Thank you for your prayers for the outreach in Iasi. It was a very encouraging week for everyone involved in the outreach. We saw God work in many wonderful ways!! There were over 100 Christian students involved, and after a week of knocking on doors we talked to a total of about 5,000 students in the Tudor dorm complex. We gave out many New Testaments and had great discussions with them. Often when we shared with students about grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, they told us that they had not heard this before. During the week I only talked to two really post-modern students. The rest were fairly open and interested in discussing their ideas related to faith and God.
There were many stories of how God worked during the week. One night around 1 am. a student involved in the outreach that lives in the dorm complex heard two students discussing outside the dorm the fact that one of them had heard that salvation came through faith by grace not by works. This is what we had prayed for, that the dorm complex would be filled with the scent of grace and forgiveness.
Saturday we were able to present a seminar to the students on how to use Scripture with their friends and lead investigative studies. Becca, from the UCCF team, led the seminar and the students felt it was helpful. Pray for them now as the students go back to those they met during the outreach and try and set up some Bible discussion groups!
Mike, Ionel (OSCER Staff) and Luke (UCCF Staff) leave a meeting
It was great to see how open the students where to talking to us in Iasi and how many came at night to the apologetic presentations and then stayed for over an hour asking questions. One young lady came from an invitation she received from a Christian student that lived across the hall from her. She had lots of questions and even went out for pizza with a group of us after the meeting. It was amazing to see how open she was. Then she came to a church service on Sunday morning where I spoke on grace.
Please pray as the follow-up continues in Iasi. We have already heard of a few students that have accepted Christ due to the outreach. Pray for the Spirit to continue to work in students' hearts!
Please pray as the follow-up continues in Iasi. We have already heard of a few students that have accepted Christ due to the outreach. Pray for the Spirit to continue to work in students' hearts!