Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OSCER Leadership Retreat

In the beginning of Sept. we spent time with the leaders from across Romania talking about our individual journey with God and the vision and mission of OSCER. It was a good time to re-clarify this with a set of new leaders as well as encouraging them to consider God's calling on them to serve at a national level in OSCER!!

It was nice to have some time to play volleyball and enjoy the warm water of the Black Sea!
The university year in Romania will be starting on the 1st of Oct. Please pray for us as we plan some activities and try to contact students in the first weeks of school. The student group in Iasi, as well as the other organizations and churches which were involved in the outreach last spring, are planning an outreach this fall in another dorm area in Iasi. Please pray for them as they organize this, and that the Lord would bring about fruit from this outreach.