We continued through the week with a small group Bible study on Mark 2. Unfortunately, this was the night with the lowest attendance. We did however have good discussions with the students that came.
Day 5
The board games evening was a BIG hit!! We had games for everyone's liking. Fast games and slower more methodical ones. Since it was so hot the water gun fight at the end of the night was one of the highlights.
Day 6
We met in the park on one of the hottest days of the summer yet. We wondered how many students would brave the ultra high temperatures, and if we could stand the heat to actually grill ALL the meat!!
We arrived early to reserve a pavilion to have some shade and there was absolutely no one in the park. But as it got closer to evening the temperature slowly began to lower and students began to show up!!
We had the biggest crowd yet and a number of students invited friends. There was plenty of food and fun in the park. I think that the water balloon game was the most exciting as the balloons flew we tried to keep things under control! Overall the week long camp in the city was a success and we reached more students than the camp in the mountains would have reached. Please pray as we try to organize more events this summer in the city to get students together.