Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fall Events

This fall we have had a number of events to help students hear more about the Gospel.

At the beginning of the university year we sponsored an event in Bucuresti where a well known illusionist spoke about how he lived an illusion, until he met Jesus.  Students packed into a lecture hall to hear him speak and ask questions.

In Nov. the students in Pitesti sponsored a talk on Science and Religion.  A man from Australia was invited to speak and then take questions from the students.  Mike went to this with a car load of students from Bucuresti.

In late Nov. the students from Bucuresti organized a local training camp in Sinaia to help integrate new students into the group.  It was a very relaxed weekend with teaching (motivating the students in evangelism), time for a hike and fellowship.  It was encouraging to see over 40 students come out for the weekend and we all enjoyed some time in the mountains!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christians on Campus

We heard an interesting pod cast from John Stonestreet on the situation on campuses in American.  It will probably be moving this way to Romania in the future.

Link to pod cast: Christians on Campus