September 19-21 our church, Bunavestire, had a family retreat. There were 100 people in attendance, and we had great teaching on being a Godly husband with loving leadership and how to be a loving wife that respects her husband. We enjoyed the time away from Bucuresti and got to know a few more people at our church. On Sunday, just before lunch, a young lady greeted us as we walked in a door and then left. After she walked off we realized that it was a young woman who had been involved in the student group many years back, but we didn't recognize her. We asked another friend if our guess was right and it was. So after lunch we went and spoke to Felicia and found out she is married and that she and her husband are working to plant a church a few miles outside of Bucuresti. She talked about how hard it has been and all the opposition they have faced. She also spoke to us about how much she appreciated the ministry of OSCEB, when she was a student and how it had helped to strengthen her in her walk with the Lord and had been an encouragement to her!
After speaking with Felicia we began to think of all the people at the retreat. We could count 11 people at the retreat who had been involved in the student work either in Bucuresti or another city. It was encouraging to think how the student groups in Romania are producing graduates, who are going out into the market place as well as the church and are using their gifts to serve the Lord!!
Thanks for your prayers for us and for your finacial support that allow us to minister here in Romania to students and helping to prepare the next generation of students that will influence the market place and the church in Romania!!
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