Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall and New Students

Each year in Oct we have a special meeting where we try to get new students involved in OSCEB.

We had lots of students and 12 first year students.  Pray that we would be able to motivate and integrate many of these students into OSCEB.

A few times each week, weather permitting, we go out to the dorm area to pass out Bibles and offer free Christian literature to students.  With those that stop we try and engage in conversations about the Gospel, let them know about OSCEB and invite them to upcoming events.  Last week we had a number of very good conversations with students, where God had been already at work.  Pray that they will come to the outreach event we will have on Nov. 8.

The conversations we had were very encouraging.  One young man had lots of sincere questions and really wanted to find answers to them.  When we told him about sin and how even our thoughts separate us from God he said, "Then who can be saved?".  At hearing this we showed him how Jesus had been asked this same question and the answer was not in what we can do or how good we can be, but in what God has done for us through Jesus.  The young man left taking a New Testament and agreeing to read it.

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