Saturday, April 21, 2012

IFES Conference: Undivided 2012

Once every four years IFES runs a conference for students from all across Europe, focused on evangelism!  April 5-10 in Gyor, Hungary we took 63 Romanians to be a part of this conference.  John Lennox, a mathematics professor from Oxford University spoke with passion about Jesus and encouraged us to do the same!

With almost 1700 students from across Europe we  celebrated the resurrection together on Easter morning!

Teddy, Mike & Andrei point to Romania on the map

One evening all the countries brought together special tastes from home to share with everyone!  Here the Romanian delegation shared their specialties!

 Dragos, our new national leader talks with Trif from Bulgaria

Before heading out to the conference we organized an outreach in Bucharest and had a history professor present well reasoned case for the existence of God! Pray as we follow-up with many who came!

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